Welcome to Kirsten's Herbal Garden...SAGE

Sage growing in Seattle, WA (photo:KA 2007)
Sage is a wonderful herb with many different uses. You can cook with it as a seasoning, you can make it into healing cosmetics such as mouthwash, you can use it medicinally when you are sick, you can use it spiritually as a cleanser...The top of sage leaves has a texture like cloth. The underside of leaves are whiter. The leaves are almond-shaped, and green with a white dusting.
You can use wild herbs for baths. Collect some today! Put herbs in cotton tea bag or cheesecloth and make bath into a giant teabag to soak in! Some good wild herbs for
baths are Sage, Eucalyptus, Mint, Pennyroyal, Pine, Rosemary, Calendula, Comfrey, Hens and Chicks, Blackberry leaves, Dandelion, Stinging Nettles...
Also, you can add 1/4 c. honey to bath water for a sweet, silky bath.

You can rub sage over your teeth to clean and whiten them.
For the flu season, make a sage gargle, by making a strong sage tea out of sage leaves, sweeten it with a little honey, let cool, strain, then gargle with it often when
you have a sore throat.
Abbreviations: (t. = teaspoon, T. = Tablespoon, c. = cup)
DISCLAIMER: Do not eat or drink tea from any plant you have not fully studied and identified properly. Please consult with your local alternative herbal care specialist before using herbs you are not familiar with.
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Anise * Blackberries * Calendula * Cloves * Comfrey * Eucalyptus * Fennel * Horsetails * Lavender * Mint * Nettles * Red Clover * Roses * Rosemary * Sage * Selfheal * Thyme * BABIES & MOMS * BATHS * BUG REPELLENTS * FEET * HAIR * LIPS * MAKEUP * MISC * SKIN * TEETH * WOMEN * |
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