Welcome to Kirsten's Herbal Garden...CLOVES
Clove is a tropical tree from the family related to myrtles. The tree is native to Indonesia, an area also known as the Spice Islands. The name clove is derived from the French word "clowe," which means "nail," as dried cloves look like nails. Cloves are used in cakes, cookies, and curries, as well as cosmetics and medicinals. Cloves are commonly used to treat tooth pain, and Romans used them as breath fresheners. Cloves is one of the essential ingredients in Tiger Balm, used to relieve sore muscles. Oil of clove buds is a little milder than oil of the clove leaf, and is recommended for tooth pain. Clove is an antiseptic and antiviral and is used to help promote healing and cleanliness. Cloves also are aromatic and thus used in aromatherapy, and the oil of clove is used in soothing baths. About half of all cloves grown are made into clove cigarettes manufactured and exported out of Indonesia.
Cloves are often used in Christmas and winter holidays, such as in mulled cider and wines, in fruit cakes, spice cakes, breads, etc. A common clove Christmas treat to make with kids is a pomander, where you poke cloves into an orange or apple and then hang it in closets, living room, etc. to freshen the air. Cloves are also used in incense, to scent candles, and to set Henna tattoos.

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10 drops clove essential oil * 10 drops peppermint essential oil * 10 drops lemon essential oil * 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil * 1 c. epsom salts * 1/2 c. sea salt * 1/2 c. baking soda
Mix ingredients well. SHake before using, store in airtight jar. Add a handful of the bath salts to a warm bath and enjoy.
Boil 1 pint water, add 3 T. cloves (bruised or sliced) and let sit, covered, off the heat, for one hour. Once cooled, strain and then use as a deodorizing mouthwash. (You can also add some sea salt for extra cleaning power.)
2 oz. dried rose petals * 1 oz. dried mint * 1 oz. dried rosemary * 1/4 oz. dried, crushed cloves
Combine ingredients, crush to make soft, pour into a small handmade pillow (make a square with a small opening, fill, then sew up the little opening), then place on pillow. Sweet dreams...
Add a pinch of powdered cloves to a pot of simmering water. Let simmer a little while, keep watch on it. The scent will fill the house with a nice smell.
1 T grated ginger * 5-10 cloves * 2-3 sticks cinnamon * 4-5 peppercorns * 7-10 cardamom pods * 1/4 t. vanilla extract (optional) * Soymilk, milk, and/or honey to taste (optional)
Simmer all spices together in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes. Strain and add optional vanilla, soymilk, milk and/or honey.
Abbreviations: (t. = teaspoon, T. = Tablespoon, c. = cup)
DISCLAIMER: Do not eat or drink tea from any plant you have not fully studied and identified properly. Please consult with your local alternative herbal care specialist before using herbs you are not familiar with.
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Anise * Blackberries * Calendula * Cloves * Comfrey * Eucalyptus * Fennel * Horsetails * Lavender * Mint * Nettles * Red Clover * Roses * Rosemary * Sage * Selfheal * Thyme * BABIES & MOMS * BATHS * BUG REPELLENTS * FEET * HAIR * LIPS * MAKEUP * MISC * SKIN * TEETH * WOMEN * |
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