Welcome to Kirsten's Herbal Garden...Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Trees in Malibu (Photo: K.A., 2008) Eucalyptus trees often stand in rows in CA, as they were used as windbreaks for farms in the past. The bark of eucalyptus trees
is like parchment paper, peeling off like sunburnt skin. It is usually a rust color. The leaves are slender and light green, with a waxy feel to them. When broken in half,
the leaves emit a menthol-type smell. The acorns of these trees also emit a refreshing smell when the surface of them are scratched.
Eucalyptus Acorn Carpet in Malibu (Photo: K.A., 2008) Eucalyptus acorns cover the ground at the abandoned Topanga Ranch Motel on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, CA. While
I was at the abandoned motel site recently, I was told a story by one of the Parks workers on site. He said that Will Rogers hired people to plant 1,000 eucalyptus trees in the Malibu
area, and the trees at the Topanga Ranch Motel are a part of those 1,000 trees planted by Will Rogers. These trees cover the area with dead leaves and acorns.
The Abandoned Topanga Ranch Motel, notice piles of eucalyptus leaves on ground...
(Photo: K.A. 2008) The worker said although eucalyptus trees are pretty and smell nice, they
are a nightmare in fires. He said they are not indigenous to the area, and fires are, thus when fires hit areas with eucalyptus trees, they make a mess as the oils inside them
spray all over everything once heated, and the oil is highly flammable. Growing up in the Los Angeles area, I have had eucalyptus trees around me my whole life. I treasure the sound
of wind blowing through their leaves, and the scent left on the wind from them when in bloom. Sometimes in the Santa Clarita Valley, when the eucalyptus are in bloom, it hurts your
eyes and nose as the oils in the air are so pungent.
Eucalyptus has long been used medicinally to clear up nasal passages during colds, flus, etc. When I get sick and cannot breathe, I put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on my palms, rub them together, then stick my nose in a cup made by my hands, and breathe in...in no time, my sinuses are cleared. There is an antiseptic quality to eucalyptus as well, thus it is good to help with cleaning. Eucalpytus is also a good bug repellent. When camping, I take Dr. Bronner's eucalyptus soap with me and use it throughout the trip to help keep mosquitos off me...Even a hanky dipped in the oils left in a pocket can help deter bugs (but the hanky will leave oil stains so beware!) I used to soak eucalyptus pods in water then string them via needle and thread to decorate my Christmas trees in my teens.
Eucalyptus Hair Rinse:
Bring 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup eucalyptus buttons to a boil, then turn down heat and let them simmer, covered, for a half hour. Then drain, add 1 cup cold water, then pour over scalp and hair and
leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off. This is really good for camping, etc. to keep bugs off of you, and also just a nice rinse. Use between shampoo and conditioner.
Eucalyptus Clove Bath Salts
10 drops clove essential oil * 10 drops peppermint essential oil * 10 drops lemon essential oil * 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil * 1 c. epsom salts * 1/2 c. sea salt * 1/2 c. baking soda
Mix ingredients well. SHake before using, store in airtight jar. Add a handful of the bath salts to a warm bath and enjoy.

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Abbreviations: (t. = teaspoon, T. = Tablespoon, c. = cup)
DISCLAIMER: Do not eat or drink tea from any plant you have not fully studied and identified properly. Please consult with your local alternative herbal care specialist before using herbs you are not familiar with.
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Anise * Blackberries * Calendula * Cloves * Comfrey * Eucalyptus * Fennel * Horsetails * Lavender * Mint * Nettles * Red Clover * Roses * Rosemary * Sage * Selfheal * Thyme * BABIES & MOMS * BATHS * BUG REPELLENTS * FEET * HAIR * LIPS * MAKEUP * MISC * SKIN * TEETH * WOMEN * |
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