Special Sale: Nov. 15-30, 2013
$16.00 (with free shipping within U.S.)
This book examines the relationship between vulvas (women's genitals) and society, history, health, art, religion, politics and more. Vulvic imagery of goddesses Sheela-na-gig and Baubo, in addition to alternative vulvic products such as necklaces, purses and pillows shaped like vulvas, are pictured and discussed in relation to women's self esteem. Women's spirituality, religion and gender, herbal remedies for vulvas, midwifery, the "sanitary protection" industry, the psychology of gender, women's mental health and esteem as related to vulvas are all discussed. Especially healing for women with body esteem and genital shame issues. 51 graphic images included.
Author Kirsten Anderberg received her B.A. Degree in Women's Studies and Political Science from the University of WA and her M.A. Degree in History from CA State University. She has written articles and taught workshops on women's body esteem and sexuality at various universities and resorts.
Miriamma Carson, radical Seattle midwife, is spoken of in this book.
You can also buy this book in ebook format on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Vulva-Empowerment-Kirsten-Anderberg-ebook/dp/B006R7H5YY.
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