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(This Ebook was First Published in June 2011) 51 FEMINIST ESSAYS FROM THE 21c. CENTURY by Kirsten Anderberg: This book contains 51 essays about gender and class by Kirsten Anderberg. The articles were written between 2003-2010. The book contains the following chapters: 1) Rogue Midwifery: Birthing on the Sly, 2) When I Am Old, I Will Wear Lime Green, 3) The Psychology of Gender Differences, 4) Women Wage War on Weenie Waggers!, 5) Women Street Performers and Sexual Safety, 6) What Motivates Women Street Performers? 7) $500 Million Women-Exclusive Sports Arena, 8) Is There a Legal Age for Political Dissent? Teens and Protests, 9) Parenting Versus Protesting: Are They Mutually Exclusive, 10) How to Prepare for Children at Protests, 11) I Want to be Really Ugly Today, 12) Radical Body Politics for Women, 13) Herbs for Women’s Health, 14) Women Writers in Alternative Media Using Male Pseudonyms, 15) Zine Culture: Brilliance Under the Radar, 16) Miss, Mrs. And Mr.: Control of Women Through Language, 17) Tampons are Trash, 18) The Breast Monologues, 19) Vaginas in Mythology, Art and History, 20) Bowls and Huts But No People: The Story of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, 21) Free Lunches, Diets and Hunger, 22) Am I Cute Enough?, 23) Ode to My Armpit Hair, 24) Is Unwanted French Kissing Sexual Assault?, 25) Peeling the Yellow Wallpaper, 26) Burlesque is Bullshit, 27) The Black Eyed Penis’, 28) Hazel Joyce Younger and Camarillo State Mental Hospital, 29) Being Honest For the Next Generation, 30) Too Angry for What?, 31) Colonial Tendencies in American Sexism, 32) Is It Safe for Women to Go Out in Nature Alone?, 33) Madness, Work and Rebellion, 34) Santa is Satan to Welfare Mothers, 35) Imitating Others as Control: Are Drag Queens Sexist?, 36) The Lone Protester, 37) Controversial Comedy, 38) Who’s Watchin’ Your Kids, Mister?, 39) They Say I Used to Be Pretty, 40) We Are the People Who Fear Nothing, 41) Can-Can Lines Have No Male Equivalent, 42) America’s Defensive White Pride Males, 43) Whose Shame It This?, 44) Welfare Offices: Ground Zero in the Class War, 45) Tape Recorders as Self-Defense Against Welfare Workers, 46) Agitation as Effective Protest, 47) Women, Are You Worth 45% Less Than Men?, 48) Women and Their Illegal Breasts, 49) Welfare in America: Institutionalized Woman Hating, 50) Once You’ve Been Homeless, You Can Never Go Back, 51) Chemical Coolness: Anti-Capitalists in Makeup and Hair Dye
About the author: Kirsten Anderberg is a professional writer and feminist performer for the last 30 years. She was a founding member of the groundbreaking feminist a cappella band Raw Sugar, which was known for radical feminist satire. Later, she performed as Mother Zosima, doing radical political satire as a nun-costumed matriarch at fairs such as the Oregon Country Fair and the NW Folklife Festival. Kirsten earned her B.A. degree from the University of WA in Seattle in Women’s Studies and Political Science. She received her M.A. degree from CA State University at Northridge in History and Archiving. She has also completed 2 years in good standing at Whittier Law School. She is the mother of an adult son, Gibralter, and lives by the beach in Ventura, CA. To purchase this ebook on Amazon, click on the cover photo above or visit www.amazon.com/51-Feminist-Essays-21st-Century-ebook/dp/B0057HCS4W/. For near-daily ebook giveaways, visit Kirsten's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kirsten-Anderberg-the-Writer/111788488857485.
Author Kirsten Anderberg sledgehammers a bathroom scale in performance art/protest (as Mother Zosima) outside the Miss Seafair beauty pageant in Seattle, WA, 1991...
Miriamma Carson, radical Seattle midwife, is spoken of in this ebook
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