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sun peaks environmental destruction | the olympics land grab
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Environmental Destruction by Sun Peaks Resort

Sun Peaks is built on Secwepemc land, which the Secwepemc refer to as Skwelkwek’welt, located in BC’s interior, 30 km NE of Kamloops. Secwepemc have never ceded, surrendered or released their land in any way.

In 1997, the BC government approved a $70 million development plan, allowing Sun Peaks to continue to expand their resort to 20,000 beds and put ski runs on the previously undisturbed Mt. Morrisey. The Secwepemc attended stakeholder meetings and clearly said no to the development. Land and Water BC however, clearly disregarded their voices and granted new leases to Sun Peaks to facilitate their expansion, and in June 2001, Land and Water BC obtained a court injunction to forcibly remove Secwepemc from their lands. To date, 54 arrests with charges from criminal contempt and intimidation by blocking a road to resisting arrest have been made.

The expansion involves putting ski runs on the previously undisturbed Mt. Morrisey, destroying the vital mountain ecosystem. Three entire mountains are being clear-cut, three mountains destroyed along with animal habitat of deer, moose, bears, beavers, lynx, bobcat, cougars, wolverines and other animals, along with destruction of plant systems which provide berries and medicine for the Secwepemc community. Sun Peaks resort pollutes the water with weed-control chemicals for their golf course and with chemical and bacterial additives used to make artificial snow. Sun Peaks over-consumes water and energy to make this artificial snow (it takes 1/3 the energy of a average town to run a medium ski area).

With the Olympic bid, expansion in Sun Peaks is now projected at $240 million, along with continued development and logging at Elk Creek Rainforest in unceded Pilalt Territories, where nine clear cuts in the “five year plan” have destroyed Western Red Cedars and Douglas firs while affecting spawning of the Chum and Coho salmon and Cutthroat trout.

Indigenous communities are most affected by environmental degradation across these lands as their homes and livelihoods continue to be destroyed by a government that does not recognize their inherent rights to traditional territories. Despite the recognition of the inherent land rights of Aboriginal People as Aboriginal Title in Delgamuukw, and despite the Haida decision that requires provincial and private interests to consult, obtain consent and accommodate Aboriginal interests prior to pursuing development on Aboriginal territories, federal and provincial governments still insist indigenous peoples must prove their title within the court system rather than by abiding by the principal of Title itself. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 asserts that "And We do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any Lands within the Countries above described, or upon any other Lands which, not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are still reserved to the said Indians as aforesaid, forthwith to remove themselves from such Settlements."

Given the devastation of the land and continued assault on indigenous peoples and their rights, we will be organizing a convergence against Sun Peaks Resort.

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APC is...The Anti-Poverty Committee is an organization of poor and working people, who fight for poor people, their rights and an end to poverty by any means necessary.

The poor face constant attack under the capitalist system and these attacks have only intensified under the BC Liberal government. APC is committed to fighting the brutal policies of the BC Liberals through direct action, mass mobilization, and casework.

We oppose racism, sexism, homophobia, and all other forms of oppression. APC is an independent and democratic organization open to anyone who agrees with our basis of unity. We are committed to working in solidarity with the struggles of other progressive movements — locally, nationally, and internationally — to end poverty and injustice.

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tel: 604-682-2726
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332 Carrall St.
Vancouver, BC
Coast Salish Territory
Canada  v6b 2j3